Saturday, December 8, 2012

Free to Be You and Me

Okay, so I need to vent. And venting here will save my voice and my poor husband's hearing. I'm also not going to think about how I should be writing my final term paper for class instead of writing here. I can worry about that later....

So, I let things bother me that I probably shouldn't. I tend to take certain things very personally, even when they're most likely not about me, have nothing to do with me, and would be there whether I existed in the world or not. And yet....I let them get to me. Facebook obviously is a huge culprit of this. A lot of people "share" a lot of things they shouldn't, whether it be information that's too personal to be online, or an oversharing of information that most people just don't want to hear. I try not to be that person. I go on facebook. I update my status, and comment on people's stuff. But I try not to be too obnoxious. Did I post or share things during election season that probably indicated where my political affiliations and loyalties lay? Yes, probably. Did I try to do this sparingly and without trying to be pushy? I sure as hell hope so.

My problem is, not everyone does that. There are some people in my newsfeed that are SO opinionated and post SO often that it's overwhelming. There are people in my every day life that are like this as well, so I'm sure this behavior extends to life in general. I just don't like being inundated with things telling me that if I don't believe the way this person does, then I'm wrong, or if I don't partake in the same behavior that that person does, I must be a bad person. I'm sorry, but just because I agree with you doesn't mean I am wrong or a bad person. And I don't appreciate the implication that it does.

We all make our own life choices. We're free to do so. Everyone decides how they are going to live their own life. What job they're going to have, who they're going to marry, if they're going to have children, how they are going to raise those children, etc., etc. Not everyone has the same values or makes the same choices. Nor should they. Variety is the spice of life, right? I'm not saying people should be free to go around and hurt other people or take crazy drugs and then harm themselves or others. But when it comes to those major life decisions, no one should try to tell me how to make those, or that I'm wrong for making the choices that I do.

I guess what it comes down to is that I've always had a hard time with overbearing people. There is nothing in the world I can stand less than a religious zealot, for example. The kind that believe their way is the ONLY way and everyone else is going to hell. That push and push and push, and don't care if you want to hear it or not because THEY ARE RIGHT DAMN IT. And if you don't agree with them, well, sorry, you're wrong. I know not all religious people are this way, but it's these overbearing ones that give them all a bad name. I've noticed lately that this extremism that bothers me so much with religion can easily be extended to other behavior too, and other choices that people make about their lives.

What's interesting is that, in the particular situation I am thinking of, I have two friends who pretty much went through the same experience and believe the same things. One of them is very vocal about it, stating their case every chance they get, telling others what they really should do. Another advertises her way of thinking far less. It's the way she chooses to live her life, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the way others choose to live theirs. And I respect that, because that's how I try to live.

We are all going to make different choices throughout our lives. We'll make mistakes, we'll (hopefully) learn from them, and move forward making new choices and new mistakes. I know the way I choose to live my life is not the way others choose to live theirs. The choices I make are not the same choices my best friends make. And while I would always be there to provide advice or my opinion if it was asked for, I would never presume to tell them how to live their lives. Nor would I want them to try and tell me how I should live mine. Can't we all give each other that same respect? Respect that the choices I make might not be the choices you make. Likewise, I will respect the choices you make even if I wouldn't make the same ones. But that doesn't make either of our views wrong, it just makes them different. And really, that should be okay. Variety. Spice of life.

And with that...rant over and back to (maybe) knocking some more of this paper out *sigh*


Destiny said...

I could not agree more! I know the types you mean, and I have unfriended some people over it. in fact during election season some was so racist in their posts I could no longer be friends with them! but the religious ones re the worst... I liked this post, I missed your writing!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I've definitely been slacking with the writing lately. Definitely need to be better about that. Though I'm excellent at making excuses for myself :)