Saturday, October 27, 2012

Procrastinating + Rambling = THIS!

I've been absent for awhile, as usual. And while I really should be working on the homework assignment that is currently open on my computer, I decided to write instead. Especially since I've written NOTHING for weeks. I'm going to credit the writing bug with a dream that I had last night that I was determined to record upon waking, because I felt like it would make a GREAT story. Unfortunately, immediately upon waking I forgot all but the very basics of the dream, and the portion of the dream that I was so intent on documenting was the fuzziest part. Even my dreams are undermining my writing. Story of my life, I suppose.

I'm not really sure what I want to write about today. I have nothing in particular in mind, and life, aside from my upcoming weekend road trip to New York to see Joseph-Gordon Levitt, has been pretty stressful but uneventful to the average listener. The last month or so has been made up of a series of crap-tastic weeks during which I think each upcoming week HAS to be better than the last, and am proven wrong. Pretty much every time. News of friends moving, broken TVs, busy weekends, and a terrible work-life-social balance have added up to a lot of sucky.

At least this week, things have been on a bit of an upswing, complete with a commitment-free weekend, which feels oh-so-good, even if I am distracting myself from homework right now by updating this. No words can describe the feeling of laying in bed this morning, watching back-logged Glee episodes on my DVR and knowing there was nowhere I had to be. Granted, the feeling is only temporary, and before I know it Monday will be upon me once again, with everything that Monday brings. But for now I'm basking in the glory of two free days (even if homework has to make an appearance).

I think I'm going to end this now, as there really hasn't been much of a point to writing it, and the things that have been on my mind this week (like my conflicted feelings towards Taylor Swift---oh, how I both love and loath her at the same time!), are probably not share-worthy. I just felt like writing, and the weird part of my inspirational dream is very much NOT the part that was worth writing about.

On that note, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to grad school homework I go!

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